Kaseye Girls Reach out to the Elderly as Part of Lenten Observance
‘WE SHALL GO TO THEM’ continually reminds the fraternity of Kaseye Girls’ Secondary School of their spiritual and social responsibility of reaching out to the underprivileged members of the society in the peripherals of the school.
In the same spirit, Kaseye Girls’ Secondary School (St. Therese of the Child Jesus) on 23rd March, 2019 engaged in works of charity targeting the needy members of the community that surround the school. This is also in fulfillment of Lenten obligation of almsgiving.
As it was not practical for the whole school to take part in the acts of charity, a representative group of 79 comprising of 7 members of the teaching staff, 2 members of the support staff, and 70 students participated in the works of mercy. The students were divided further into seven groups of 10 and each group was accompanied by a member of staff.
Initially, 13 households were identified out of which 7 households were really needy to whom visits were made. The targeted members mostly comprised of the elderly with an age range of 80 to 90 years. 4 households were identified at Chipakama residential area and 3 households at Vumbo residential area.
From Chipakama residential area, the members visited were Mama Namwira, Mufwa Mzinza, Violet Nachilima and Dyna Nakayira. Visits were also made to Milliam Namwanja, Mercy Nafungwe and Agnes Nasichali of Vumbo residential area.
Our activities began with a word of prayer followed by a Biblical reflection. In all the groups, the charity work was in form of general cleaning of the surrounding (sweeping, slashing and clearing shrubs); drawing water; washing of dishes; presenting assorted items like bars of washing and bath soap, packets of sugar, money and 5 kg of flour). The items shared were solely contributed by the students apart from sugar and flour which were provided by the school.
After these chores, the students had a chance to chat with the elderly. The most fascinating thing was that the elderly shared their life experiences especially on how they took care of themselves to keep surviving to this day. With hope, our students learnt a lot on how best to take care of themselves in order to live longer and achieve their set goals.
All the activities were done according plan and it was a success. All the groups departed at 8:45 am and by 11:35 am all group members were back on campus. Members of all the visited households thanked the school for such a gesture and were extremely happy for being visited. In appreciation, they boiled fresh maize for our students. Many thanks to the administration of Kaseye Girls’ Secondary School for spearheading the whole charity work.
Pictorial Focus